White Willow Massage
Treatment · Sports · Relaxation

About The Practitioner

My name is Brittany Pate and I am a recent graduate of the Greenville Technical College massage therapy certificate program. I am currently working on an Associate of Science in massage therapy at Greenville Tech. During my schooling I was able to take classes that allowed me to work with the spring semester sports at Clemson, the Furman football team over the summer, and currently the Clemson football team.

I have recently become certified in an advanced course called ART® or Active Release Techniques® for the upper extremity. ART® is used by chiropractors, physical therapists, some massage therapists, and other manual therapists to treat soft tissue. It is referred to as the "Gold Standard in Soft Tissue Healthcare" and was created by Dr. P. Michael Leahy over 30 years ago while working on elite athletes to get them back to performing at their best as fast as possible.

Prior to becoming a massage therapist I aspired to be a physical therapy assistant and learned various things through many hours of observation with various physical therapists. Along my journey, I decided to go through Greenville Tech's personal trainer program as an honor's student to help me be accepted into the physical therapy assistant (PTA) program there as well. When the door closed on the PTA program I decided to go on to USC Upstate and get my Bachelor's in Exercise and Sports Science. After some time passed without finding a direction with my degree, I found my way to massage therapy and have enjoyed the work from the moment I first tried it. It is my true passion and I find myself enjoying the work more each day.

My favorite type of work is treatment massage. I enjoy working on problem areas and finding the source of the pain rather than just working on what is hurting at the moment. With that said, I also enjoy giving relaxation massages, where a snore is just another form of a complement.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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