White Willow Massage
Treatment · Sports · Relaxation



        At White Willow Massage we understand life can be a challenge. Whether it's working hard to win the next soccer match, running after the kids, or a pain that just won't go away, we are here for you. Massage can have an impact on the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and intellectual aspects of your life. Each massage is as unique as you are, assuring that we tend to each of your specific needs.

       Take the soccer player for example. You may only need 30 minutes to work out a repetitively tightened area. However, if you're the mom running around after your 5 year old you may want to opt for a relaxing 60 minute massage. Or still, you may have profound pain throughout your body with a particular area that's always giving you trouble. A 90 minute massage may be advantageous to relax the body and relieve the tension in your painful area.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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